Paratransit (ADA) and Community Health Transportation (CHT)
What is Paratransit (ADA)? A unique service for those qualified under ADA.
What is Community Health Transportation (CHT)? A service for those who need health transportation to Twin Falls.
All Mountain Rides buses and paratransit vehicles are accessible with lift or ramp equipment to help those who need it so that everyone can utilize our fixed-route bus services. Suppose you cannot make it to our existing fixed routes. In that case, Mountain Rides provides curb-to-curb accessible van service in the Wood River Valley for those who qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1991. This demand response service requires scheduling for next-day service for those who cannot use the available fixed-route service.
Who qualifies under ADA?
All people with disabilities, visible and hidden, including:
- A person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life functions (eating, breathing, caring for oneself, working, walking, etc.) OR
- A person with a record of an impairment, OR
- A person who is regarded as having an impairment.
How do you become qualified to ride Mountain Rides ADA service?
To be qualified, you must first fill out our ADA Eligibility Form, signed by your doctor.
Once qualified, you may schedule trips with Mountain Rides to use this service.
How do I schedule a trip?
To schedule a trip for next-day service, you must contact Mountain Rides the day before by calling (208)788-7433 ext. 106 or emailing Be ready to provide the trip details.
No-Show Policy
- The driver will wait 5 minutes for you to come out for your ride. If you have scheduled a return trip, the driver will wait no more than 5 minutes. This policy takes into consideration the driver and their schedule. After 5 minutes, you will be considered a no-show. After two no-show incidents, a 5-day suspension policy will be implemented. This is only to ensure that the next person on the schedule receives the same courtesy you expect.
- Scheduled trips must be canceled at least two (2) hours before the scheduled departure time. Any scheduled trip not canceled before that will be considered a no-show.
When does the service operate?
Mountain Rides ADA service operates Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Where can I go?
With Mountain Rides ADA service, you can travel to and from any point located up to three-quarters (3/4) of a mile on either side of the existing Mountain Rides fixed route system in the Wood River Valley.
Reasonable Modification for Customers with Disabilities
Mountain Rides (MRTA) is committed to serving the needs of individuals with disabilities per the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. MRTA Reasonable Modification Processes are designed to guide MRTA staff to make reasonable modifications/accommodations to policies, practices, and procedures on fixed routes, demand response, and paratransit services necessary to avoid discrimination. The authority will grant requests for reasonable accommodations except where making accommodations would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity or create a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
How to request a reasonable modification
The MRTA Director of Operations is the designated Reasonable Modification Coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for administering reasonable modification processes, maintaining documentation of requests, and disposing of requests for modifications.
Contact Information:
Attn: Jamie Canfield
PO Box 3091
800 1st Ave N
Ketchum, Idaho 83340
How to file a complaint
Any person wanting to file a complaint or appeal a denial of a request for modification of policies and practice has 10 days from receiving the decision to do so. There are several ways to file a complaint or appeal:
- By mail: Mountain Rides, ATTN: Director of Operations, PO Box 3091, Ketchum, ID 83340
- By email:
- By calling the Director of Operations directly at (208)788-7433 x 106
All complaints will be investigated and responded to within ten (10) working days. Responses to complaints must be documented, and the reason for the response must be included.
What about service in Hailey?
Within Hailey, Mountain Rides operates the Hailey Town Route that will deviate up to three-quarters (3/4) of a mile to pick up those who cannot make it to the regular stops. There is no pre-qualification for this service; please get in touch with Mountain Rides at 788-RIDE (7433) x106 to schedule a trip at least two (2) hours in advance for any deviation to pick up or drop off outside the normal route.
Call Mountain Rides for FREE rides to healthcare destinations in Twin Falls.
Please email your CHT Eligibility Form to
Available Monday-Friday
Please schedule your Twin Falls appointment between 10:00 am and 1:30 pm.
The vehicle leaves the Mountain Rides shop at 121 Clover St in Bellevue at 8:00 am.
(208)788-7433 x 106
Monday- Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm