1. Passenger shall comply with all applicable laws and ordinances; obey the law;
2. Passengers shall be courteous to and respectful of other passengers and the driver and behave in a way that does not cause a safety hazard or personal interference to others;
3. Passengers shall only bring items on the bus that are small personal items that do not represent a safety hazard to themselves, other passengers, the driver or the general public. Depending on space available and at the discretion of the driver,passengers are permitted to bring skis, poles, snowboards and, from time to time, bicycles on board the bus;
4. Passengers shall respect MRTA property and shall not interfere with transit operations;
5. Passengers shall only bring animals on board a transit vehicle that are service animals (those trained to assist with a disability) or are in an enclosed carrier. Passengers shall clean up after any animal on MRTA property;
6. Passengers shall not distract the driver while the bus is in motion;
7. Passengers shall stand in back of the standee line while the bus is in motion;
8. Passengers shall refrain from biking, skating or rollerblading on MRTA property;
9. Passengers shall refrain from using tobacco products, including e-cigarettes on Mountain Rides property and at bus stops;
10. Passengers shall keep our buses and facilities clean and shall discard litter in designated receptacles;
11. Passengers shall only consume non-alcoholic beverages from spill-proof, covered containers on MRTA vehicles and shall not eat on MRTA vehicles;
12. Passengers shall park on MRTA property for no more than 18 hours at a time and only for the purpose of accessing MRTA services;
13. Passengers shall yield their seat for senior citizens, those in wheelchairs and those with limited mobility or mobility assistance devices;
14. Passengers shall wear appropriate clothing and shoes at all times while on MRTA vehicles or properties, unless medical accommodation is necessary;
15. Passengers shall only use MRTA properties and vehicles for personal use and shall not engage in commercial, solicitation, or promotional activities;
16. Passengers shall pay the fare which is appropriate for them or shall present a valid, MRTA issued pass.